Pricing & Common Questions

What is the estimated cost?

A full landscape design will cost between: $1,200 - $3,000

Cost Breakdown:

What Services are offered?   

Our landscape designers fall into one of two categories:

Design only. Many clients are simply interested putting together a complete design. This typically includes a site analysis and discussion of a client’s needs, a preliminary design, revisions based on your feedback, and a final detailed master plan. This option includes a detailed planting plan and construction document which then can  be handed over to you (or a landscape contractor of your choosing) to take it from there.

Design-build. We also offer the design service described above, as well as overseeing plant purchase and all installation. We have contractors which are needed for permitting and hardscape installation — Our landscape contractors will oversee the installation of your new garden).
If one of our recommended contractors are chosen for the job, then we are available throughout the process for information or support.

How long will installation take?

The time it takes to design and install a landscape depends on a number of factors: size and scope of the project, availability of contractors and other installation specialists, ordering and delivery times for materials and plants, dry weather for laying hardscape, and unexpected setbacks during installation.
Instead of asking to have the installation done by a certain date, ask for an estimated range for the project to be completed.
As eager as you may be to enjoy your new landscape, keep in mind that skilled installation of hardscape and careful planting takes time.

Examples of past work? 

Consider the style of our designs in relation to the garden you want. “If you want a modern, clean-lined city garden, make sure our designs fit the likeness of your vision? Or if you are looking for a cottage-style garden, make sure our designs fit. We have created designs for just about every style of type of landscape. However, like most designers we have a signature style that compliments our valley's climate.

Do you offer garden consultations?

Yes, we offer one- to two-hour garden consultations. During this meeting, a designer will typically come over to your property, join you for a walk around the garden, listen to what you’d like to accomplish with your remodel and begin to bounce some ideas around for the design.

This is a great opportunity for you to determine whether you have a fit with the designer, and for the designer to see if they fit with you as a client. “It is important for a client to determine what role they want to play. You should ask yourself how interested you're in collaboration. Do you want to defer completely to the designer or do you have a clear idea for design and just want someone to implement it?

initial consultation are $400.00 flat rate — it is, after all, one or two hours of a professional’s time — the consultation and any pliminary design work is included toward the cost of the design if you end up hiring us.

How do I include ideas you have for the design?

 After the Consultation, and the designer has had a chance to view your property, the designer will begin to construct a landscape design. Once your preliminary design has been created we will arrange a "Review Meeting" that will include presenting the ideas for your landscape. This draft will include: inspirational images for plants and hardscape materials, a two-dimensional map, to-scale drawing created with software and hand-drawings. 

Your design will be ready for review at our "Review Meeting". This is the time to speak up about what you like and dislike in the design or if you see anything that’s missing from your wish list — for example, more space for tool storage, room to grow vegetables or an area with shade. Following this meeting, a designer will draw up a revised design drawing based on your feedback.

Are there any ways to reduce cost? 

Pathways, patios, retaining walls and decks are generally more expensive than planted garden areas, so the more hardscape there is in the design, the more it’s likely going to cost to install. Plus, the materials used for hardscape can vary widely for both the product and the installation.

During the initial visit with the designer It’s best to have a conversation about ways to reduce the cost of the landscape to stay on budget. The designer will have ideas about where you can save money without compromising style, and what elements are worth a splurge.

When will the garden grow in? 

The time it takes for a garden to grow in depends on the scope of the design, what types of plants are proposed and how mature the plants are when they’re planted. A smaller area with ornamental grasses and perennials can grow in within a single season, but larger and more complex designs with trees and large shrubs can take years to reach maturity. Ask your designer which plants make sense to splurge for semimature specimens (like focal-point trees or shrubs needed for screening) and which plants can be purchased small and fill in quickly (like most ground covers, vegetables and ornamental grasses).

How much maintenance will it take to keep the garden looking good?

Different styles of gardens and plants require very different levels of care. Be upfront about how much maintenance you are willing to commit — either your own time or that of a hired gardener . Once you’ve invested in installing a garden, you’ll want to keep your landscape alive and flourishing for years to come. We can create a design that very low maintenance for the involved gardener or we can recommended gardeners to take care of the garden going forward.